domingo, 24 de maio de 2020

INGLÊS 6º ano 25.05.2020

Aula 1 - Demonstrative Pronouns 


1. Complete the sentences with THIS, THAT, THESE, or THOSE. 
Complete as sentenças com THIS, THAT, THESE ou THOSE. 
a)_____ flower in my hair makes me beautiful. 
b)_____ girls are running very fast. 
c) Look at ______ bird in the sky! 
d)______ books are very heavy. My arms hurt!

2. Read the sentences and mark the incorrect alternative concerning the use of the demonstrative pronoun. 
Leia as frases e assinale a alternativa incorreta a respeito do uso do pronome demonstrativo.
a)That boy is playing very well! 
b)This is my dog. 
c) Those cars are coming fast! 
d)This books come from Paris. 
e)That girl is looking at me. 

3. Rewrite the following sentences, changing them to the plural. Follow the example: 
Reescreva as frases a seguir, passando-as para o plural. 
Siga o exemplo: This jacket is very expensive. – These jackets are very expensive. 
a)I really want to read this book. 
b)That magazine is very interesting. 
c) This movie is scary!


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